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Chef has been busy shipping a lot of new software lately. Here are some of the releases that have shipped in the last few weeks! Chef Server The Chef Server was recently updated to consolidate credentials that are stored on the system.

Nathen Harvey

On 22nd March I had the pleasure along with a few other Chefs of being invited to the Computing DevOps Excellence Awards hosted at the Marriott Grosvenor Square Hotel in London.

Simon Fisher

On March 22, we held our third webinar in a four part series focused on digital transformation. In that session, we focused on the considerations around increasing speed. In case you missed it, you can watch a recording of the second episode, “Increasing Speed” below.

George Miranda

As software defines the products and experience companies offer their customers, Chef has had a front-row seat influencing how companies have had to change. Companies had to learn to become software companies. When Adam Jacob wrote Chef, he created a framework for this transition.

Andy Paroff

Chef has been on the road hosting workshops to help people take an applications-first approach to automation with Habitat. Our most recent stops on our Hands on With Habitat world tour were March 22 and 23 in San Francisco and San Jose. These workshops are aimed at anyone involved in building, deploying, or managing applications.

Jessica DeVita

In my last post, I talked about some of the benefits of containers, how containers can complicate compliance requirements, and how InSpec can help. InSpec provides a human-readable infrastructure and compliance testing language that allows you to scan your hosts, VMs, and containers to ensure your fleet’s compliance. But let’s take this one step further.

Adam Leff

It’s great to see how much excitement there is for the upcoming release of Chef Client 13 on April 10th! We’ve had a bunch of questions about this release. I’ll address some of the frequently asked questions here so you’ll be prepared to upgrade. How do I get Chef Client 13 today?

Thom May

I recently had the pleasure of attending a 2-day class by Jeff Patton, author of User Story Mapping: Discover the Whole Story, Build the Right Product, hosted by our #ChefFriends Jeff Hackert, VP of Engineering at Soylent.

Jessica DeVita

On March 1st, I presented a live webinar titled “Testing at the Edges”. Watch the recording below to hear me explain how to test resource guards that execute system commands or require specific system files. I also demonstrate enabling test coverage and working around recipes that rely on search results from the Chef Server.

Franklin Webber