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Chef at SCaLE15x
The 15th annual SCaLE (Southern California Area Linux Expo) was held March 2-5, 2017 at the Pasadena Convention Center. This 4-day gathering of Linux enthusiasts was filled with 200+ speakers and presentations, 90+ exhibits and lots of special events.
Docker Container Compliance with InSpec
Thanks to its speed and approachability, Docker has done a great deal to make containers popular. Need a quick Redis server? docker run redis and boom, you’ve got a Redis server. However, compared to traditional hosts and virtual machines, containers are considerably more difficult to reason about.
Interop ITX: Let’s Talk DevOps
Open communication is a key driver in the success of any DevOps initiative. Which is why I was excited to participate in a recent DevOps Tweet Chat hosted by the team at InformationWeek and Interop ITX. We kicked off the discussion sharing insight on the success patterns and benefits of DevOps.
Quantifying DevOps Outcomes: Managing Risk
Last week, we held our second webinar in a four part series focused on digital transformation. In that session, we focused on why mitigating risk is essential to increasing speed. In case you missed it, you can watch a recording of the second episode, “Managing Risk” below.
Delivering the Continuous Enterprise with Agile, Lean, and DevOps (ALDO) practices
At Chef we work with teams of developers and operators in the largest enterprises in the world. They are all challenged to keep up with today’s customer expectations which — in digital transformation terms — means shipping ideas faster.
SB6 and the Chef Code of Conduct
Chef Community, The Texas Senate recently passed Senate Bill 6 (SB6), known as the “bathroom bill”, targeting transgender people. The bill requires people to use bathrooms in public schools, government buildings, and public universities based on the sex designated on their birth-certificate. Chef strongly opposes this bill.
Continuous Compliance with InSpec: Bay Area Chef Meetup at Wealthfront
Last month, I spoke at the The Bay Area Chef Meetup, hosted by long time #ChefFriends, Wealthfront. They shared their Chef development process beginning with local dev, using Test Kitchen, all the way through their automated testing pipeline. There were also a lot of great discussions about test driven development practices.
Simplifying Container Management with Habitat
Containers provide a delightful development experience. It’s easy to download a container image and get started writing code. But it’s a different story when you have to run containers in production at scale. That’s when all the hidden complexities become apparent and the real challenges begin.
Achieve Chef Certification at ChefConf 2017
I’m very excited to share the news that we will be offering free Chef certification exams to all registered conference attendees at ChefConf 2017. Take this opportunity to join an elite group of Certified Chef Developers. Showcase your knowledge and proficiency as a Chef user and advance your career! Why Get Chef Certified?