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DevOps Culture Culture is a funny thing and it influences our lives quietly and constantly. It distinguishes us, binds us together, and gives us a sense of identity. We see couples develop their own cultures. Families have them. Towns, companies and industries all adopt or create cultures.

Anthony Hodson

Chef webinars are a great way to learn about new products, integrations, and build your skills as a Chef practitioner. In 2016, we presented more than 30 live webinars to thousands of attendees across the globe.

Jamie Bright

In 2016, we published more than 200 blog posts, highlighting major releases and announcements, partnerships and integrations, skill-building and how to articles, and more. Here are the top ten most viewed posts of 2016.

Jamie Bright

I’m happy to announce a new driver caching mechanism for Test Kitchen. You can use it with provisioners to cache downloads and other files between provisions. For people who use the kitchen-vagrant driver to run Chef, we’ve introduced local caching of the chef-client packages.

Salim Afiune

This is the fourth post in our series, Why Habitat? You can catch up with Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. In our last post, we began covering the Habitat supervisor. We explored how it allows you to manage the runtime life cycle of your application.

Michael Ducy

We’ve been talking about the importance of incorporating compliance into your development workflow for a while now. With Chef Automate, we’ve delivered an enterprise-grade solution for turning compliance policy into code.

Lucas Welch

We’re happy to announce that Chef can now drive VMware’s vRA 7.0+ automation suite. We’ve released 2.0.0 versions of both knife-vrealize and kitchen-vra along with a 1.0.0 version of chef-provisioning-vra.

JJ Asghar George Miranda

If you’ve never heard of Policyfiles, you should start by reading Michael Hedgpeth’s excellent Introduction to Policyfiles.

George Miranda

The 2016 Chef Community Summit in Seattle brought to light a particular set of concern and confusion in our community around the future of three Chef ecosystem tools: Policyfiles, Push Jobs, and Chef Provisioning.

George Miranda