If you develop or support applications on Windows, chances are that you have crossed paths or even worked deeply with Microsoft’s SQL Server database. In the 14 years I spent as a .Net developer, its by far the database I worked with most extensively.
I’ve been using MySQL for all of my .Net Habitat demos so far. It is open source, fairly light weight, and its binaries are easily portable and can be launched by simply running mysqld.exe. So it makes for a straightforward demo. But what if like the majority of .Net shops, you work with SQL Server and would like to understand how it might run inside of Habitat? Well this post is for you!
Challenges of Habitizing SQL Server
SQL Server has a few characteristics that make it more difficult to package and run in Habitat than other commercial software.
The SQL Server binaries (like sqlservr.exe and its supporting libraries) cannot simply be extracted and moved to /hab/pkgs/
. SQL Server makes extensive use of the Windows registry which tracks the location on disk of all SQL Server “instances” along with much of their service metadata. Also, the absolute paths to the data files of the model
and msdb
system databases are stored in the master
database. So in order to reliably install SQL Server in working condition, you need to do so via its installer binaries. Unfortunately this also means you may need to package the installer binaries which weigh in at about 1.5 GB in SQL Server 2017.
Another challenge is that your Habitat run
hook cannot simply call sqlservr.exe
. On the surface it seems like that should work since that is what the Windows service invokes and if you run that from a shell, it succesfully starts and runs the database engine. However, sqlservr
does not handle ctrl+c
signals gracefully. It wil prompt you for confirmation to terminate the database and to my knowledge that cannot be suppressed. We could forcibly terminate the process, but that may leave the database in an unrecoverable state. So we do need to have our hooks interact with the service.
All of these challenges can be dealt with so lets jump in and explore a working SQL Server Habitat plan. I’ll be including the relevant sample Habitat plan and hook code in this post but please see this github repository for the complete Habitat artifacts.
Packaging Sql Server
SQL Server is a commercial product. You can download an evaluation copy of the database here that will operate for a limited period of time. The complete install media is typically distributed via a .cab
or .iso
file and occupies about 1.5 GB of disk space.
Update: We now host a core/sqlserver
plan in our core-plans repository. This plan will download the free SQL Server Express edition and allow you to specify your own install media in case you want to run your Standard or Enterprise edition.
Here is a plan one might use as a reference for their own SQL Server plan. The plan.ps1
file is extremely simple because it merely copies the install files into the package. It doesn’t actually install SQL Server because that will happen the very first time the init
hook runs as we will see later.
Here is the plan:
habitat-sql-server/plan.ps1 link
$pkg_name = "sqlserver" $pkg_origin = "mwrock" $pkg_version = "0.1.0" $pkg_maintainer = "The Habitat Maintainers
This assumes that you have the install media mounted to your d:
drive. Another approach one could take would be to not package the install files at all and instead have the init
script point to a network share instead of a huge local payload.
Installing SQL Server via the init
So our plan really did not do anything other than “stage” the install files. It’s our init
script that will do the heavy lifting. Its only going to need to run the installer the first time we start our Habitat service. Be aware that it may take several minutes for that first init
hook to complete.
Our init
hook will do two things:
Run the Installer
habitat-sql-server/hooks/init link
# If the sql instance data is not present, install a new instance if (!(Test-Path {{pkg.svc_data_path}}/mssql14.{{pkg.name}})) { setup.exe /configurationfile={{pkg.svc_config_path}}/config.ini /Q }
If it does not find the data files in our Habitat svc_data_path
then it will run setup.exe
and use our templatized config.ini
as the installer inputs:
habitat-sql-server/config/config.ini link
[OPTIONS] ACTION="Install" IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS="" UpdateEnabled="0" FEATURES="SQLEngine" INSTANCEID="{{pkg.name}}" INSTANCENAME="{{pkg.name}}" AGTSVCSTARTUPTYPE="Manual" BROWSERSVCSTARTUPTYPE="Manual" INSTALLSQLDATADIR="{{pkg.svc_data_path}}" SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Administrator" SQLSVCACCOUNT="NT AUTHORITY\Network Service" SQLSVCSTARTUPTYPE="Manual" SQLBACKUPDIR="{{pkg.svc_data_path}}\backup" SQLTEMPDBDIR="{{pkg.svc_data_path}}" SQLTEMPDBLOGDIR="{{pkg.svc_data_path}}" SQLUSERDBDIR="{{pkg.svc_data_path}}" SQLUSERDBLOGDIR="{{pkg.svc_data_path}}" TCPENABLED="1" SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Administrator" SECURITYMODE="SQL" SAPWD="{{cfg.sa_password}}"
We only install the SQLEngine feature assuming we just need basic database services and no reporting, OLAP, or other fancy stuff. We also set the INSTANCEID
to match our package name. This grants us some portability. If we were to deploy this to a machine that already had SQL Server installed, this adds another named instance unique to our package name.
Set the Port and Open the Firewall
By default SQL Server listens on port 1433 and then forwards requests to a dynamically allocated port for the targeted named instance. This assumes the SQLBrowser
service is running, but we don’t want to depend on that if we can avoid it since Habitat is not running it. Instead we can assign our instance a static port and then our applications can send requests to . One typically assigns static ports using the SQL Configuration Manager GUI, but we can acomplish the same end by setting a registry key:
habitat-sql-server/hooks/init link
# Configure the instance for the configured port Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.{{pkg.name}}\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp\IPAll" -Name TcpPort -Value {{cfg.port}}
Then we will use DSC (Desired State Configuration) to ensure our local firewall allows inbound traffic on that port. We define our DSC configuration in config/firewall.ps1
habitat-sql-server/config/firewall.ps1 link
Configuration NewFirewallRule { Import-DscResource -Module xNetworking Node 'localhost' { xFirewall "sqlserver-{{pkg.name}}" { Name = "sqlserver-{{pkg.name}}" DisplayName = "sqlserver-{{pkg.name}}" Action = "Allow" Direction = "InBound" LocalPort = ("{{cfg.port}}") Protocol = "TCP" Ensure = "Present" Enabled = "True" } } }
And our init
hook invokes this:
habitat-sql-server/hooks/init link
Invoke-Command -ComputerName localhost -EnableNetworkAccess { Write-Host "Checking for xNetworking PS module..." $ProgressPreference="SilentlyContinue" Write-Host "Checking for nuget package provider..." if(!(Get-PackageProvider -Name nuget -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ListAvailable)) { Write-Host "Installing Nuget provider..." Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force | Out-Null } Write-Host "Checking for xNetworking PS module..." if(!(Get-Module xNetworking -ListAvailable)) { Write-Host "Installing xNetworking PS Module..." Install-Module xNetworking -Force | Out-Null } } Import-Module "{{pkgPathFor "core/dsc-core"}}/Modules/DscCore" Start-DscCore (Join-Path {{pkg.svc_config_path}} firewall.ps1) NewFirewallRule
This leverages our core/dsc
package which makes it easy to apply a DSC configuration in Habitat’s Powershell core environment. Note that we use Invoke-Command
to wrap the installation of our xNetworking
DSC module so that it is installed into the Windows Powershell context and not Powershell Core.
Running the Sql Server Service
Our run
hook is going to start the MSSQL
service installed for our SQL named instance and then spin until the service is stopped:
habitat-sql-server/hooks/run link
Start-Service 'MSSQL${{pkg.name}}' Write-Host "{{pkg.name}} is running" try { while($(Get-Service 'MSSQL${{pkg.name}}').Status -eq "Running") { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 } } finally { if($(Get-Service 'MSSQL${{pkg.name}}').Status -ne "Stopped") { Write-Host "{{pkg.name}} stopping..." Stop-Service 'MSSQL${{pkg.name}}' Write-Host "{{pkg.name}} has stopped" } }
The service name will always be suffixed with our instance name which we have set to be equal to our package name.
Setting up Logins and Users
After Sql Server is installed we have an all powerful sa
(Systam Administrator) user and the local Administrator
Windows user is designated an admin user in our config.ini. We don’t want our application to access the database as the sa
user. We’ll add a post-run
hook that will run after Habitat starts our sqlserver
service and it will ensure an application user and password are configured:
habitat-sql-server/hooks/post-run link
# Create application Users Write-Host "Starting application user setup..." ."$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\OSQL.EXE" -S localhost,{{cfg.port}} -U sa -P {{cfg.sa_password}} -Q "create login {{cfg.app_user}} with password = '{{cfg.app_password}}'" ."$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\OSQL.EXE" -S localhost,{{cfg.port}} -U sa -P {{cfg.sa_password}} -Q "create user {{cfg.app_user}} for login {{cfg.app_user}}" ."$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\OSQL.EXE" -S localhost,{{cfg.port}} -U sa -P {{cfg.sa_password}} -Q "grant CREATE DATABASE to {{cfg.app_user}}" Write-Host "Application user setup complete"
This uses the osql
utility installed with any basic SQLEngine install to execute commands that creates an application login and sets up that login as a user of the master
database and gives it the power to create a database.
Now that might seem like an overly powerful privilege for an application user and honestly it would be in a real production setup. However I am going to run Entity Framework migrations with this user and it needs this right to create an initial database for my application.
Adding a Post-Stop Hook
In most cases, the finally
block of our run
hook will stop our SQL Server instance service when we ask the Supervisor to stop the sqlserver
service. The Supervisor issues a ctrl+debug
signal to our service process and Powershell will ensure that the finally
block is called on the running pipeline. However there are somne isolated scenarios, like running in a Windows container, where ctrl+debug
signals are not propperly generated and the finally
block will not be called. We can fortify ourselves against this with a post-stop
hook. This is called when we stop a service to perform any necessary cleanup. So we will just check to see if the service is still running and stop it if it is:
habitat-sql-server/hooks/post-stop link
if($(Get-Service 'MSSQL${{pkg.name}}').Status -ne "Stopped") { Write-Host "{{pkg.name}} stopping..." Stop-Service 'MSSQL${{pkg.name}}' Write-Host "{{pkg.name}} has stopped" }
Testing Connectivity to our “Habitized” SQL Server
Lets see if we can connect to our database “from the outside” using our application user defined in our default.toml
habitat-sql-server/default.toml link
sa_password="Pass@word1" port=8888 app_user = "hab" app_password="h@b1Tat"
To test this I have started this sqlserver
Habitat service in a vm running on
. Now I’ll cd
to a local .Net Core application that has the following appsettings.json
{ "server.urls": "http://*:5123", "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "server=,8888;uid=hab;pwd=h@b1Tat;database=habitat_aspnet_sample;" } }
So I am going to run the Entity Framework migrations which I expect to create my application’s database and schema:
C:\dev\habitat-aspnet-sample [master +2 ~4 -2 !]> dotnet ef database update Build succeeded. 0 Warning(s) 0 Error(s) Time Elapsed 00:00:02.39 Done.
The succinct “Done” indicate that all of our database creating dreams have come true. Lets just check to be sure:
1> select name from sys.databases 2> go name -------- master tempdb model msdb habitat_aspnet_sample (5 rows affected)
Ohhhh yeaaaahhhhh.