Matt Wrock
I am a software developer for Chef and much of my focus has been making Chef better on Windows. When not developing Chef code, I'm usually contributing to other projects in the Chef ecosystem. I regularly contribute to the WinRM gem and Vagrant, I am a member of the core Chocolatey team, author of Boxstarter and was an early contributor to Pester creating its Powershell Mocking functionality. I am a former Microsoft engineer and write regularly on Windows automation topics at
Introducing the Install Hook!

By Matt Wrock
The 0.74.0 release introduces a new hook to package authors: the install hook. The install hook runs when a package is first installed. This hook is unique in that it runs outside of a service or census context.
Read morePackaging COTS Applications for Windows

By Matt Wrock
Habitat application packaging typically falls into one of two main categories: Packaging applications built from source code developed in-house or available via open source. Packaging commercial off the shelf (COTS) applications usually purchased from a third party vendor.
Read moreA Plan for Microsoft SQL Server

By Matt Wrock
If you develop or support applications on Windows, chances are that you have crossed paths or even worked deeply with Microsoft’s SQL Server database. In the 14 years I spent as a .Net developer, its by far the database I worked with most extensively. I’ve been using MySQL for all of my .
Read morePackaging a .Net Windows Service Application

By Matt Wrock
This post will demonstrate how to package a .Net Windows service application using Habitat. A Windows service application provides some interesting challenges to Habitat packaging because the application process is ultimately controlled by the Windows Service Control Manager (SCM). It runs outside of the Habitat Supervisor process tree.
Read moreRunning Habitat as a Windows Service

By Matt Wrock
You can now run Habitat on Windows as a Windows Service. This is the recommended way to run a Windows Habitat production environment. All of the Windows service functionality resides in a new package core/windows-service.
Read moreModernize your Java development workflow with Habitat

By Matt Wrock
This week I had the honor of speaking at Microsoft Azure’s Opendev, which hosted a variety of speakers from various cool open source projects and I represented Habitat. I raced through a tour of building a distributed Java web application in Habitat.
Read moreRunning a Full Framework ASP.NET IIS application in Habitat

By Matt Wrock
For the past several months we have been working hard to provide full feature parity accross all Habitat components on Windows. We often use an ASP.NET Core plan to test Windows functionality because building and running a .
Read moreHabitat on Windows!

By Matt Wrock
We are pleased to announce that the latest release of Habitat – v0.25.0 – brings Habitat to Windows! This functionality has been evolving steadily for the last several months and has been available in various pieces along the way. Perhaps you have seen my demo showing where we were back in March. Well with v0.25.
Read moreHabitat application portability and understanding dynamic linking of ELF binaries

By Matt Wrock
This post was originally published on the Hurry Up and Wait! blog on December 30, 2017. I do not come from a classical computer science background and have spent the vast majority of my career working with Java, C# and Ruby – mostly on Windows.
Read moreCreating a Docker container Host on Windows Nano Server with Chef

By Matt Wrock
This post was originally published by Matt Wrock on his blog, “Hurry Up and Wait: Tales from an automation engineer.” This week Microsoft launched the release of Windows Server 2016 along with its ultra light headless deployment option – Nano Server.
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