Andrew DuFour
Andrew is a recovering systems engineer/administrator, integrator and video game addict, from Toronto, Ontario. He’s spent the last 10 years automating things in IT in various roles across Military, Government, and private industries. He was a Success Engineer at Chef, helping Chef’s customers solve problems and move faster, safer. When not slinging code he loves a good beer, pizza and hockey.
Chef InSpec Profile for Critical Salt Vulnerabilities

By Galen Emery
On April 30, 2020, two critical security vulnerabilities were identified with the SaltStack open source project ( These vulnerabilities are critical and must be patched to avoid potential take over of your systems. This vulnerability has been assigned the highest severity rating, 10.
Read moreChef at DevOpsDays Detroit
In the US Mid-West and the Southern part of Ontario, Canada, we’re lucky enough to have several DevOps events spread out from spring to fall. October hails the end of the conference season here, mainly because travel becomes dreadful once it begins to snow!
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