
Chef Automate

Your Team and the New Infrastructure Management Tool

In this article, we explore how to manage changes with your team's newest infrastructure management tool.

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Monitoring Progress Chef Automate HA with Datadog

Leveraging Chef Automate HA alongside a monitoring solution, such as Datadog, gives organizations peace of mind that the solution optimizes infrastructure performance at scale to grow the business.

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Monitoring Progress Chef Automate HA with CloudWatch

Progress Chef Automate HA with AWS CloudWatch gives automate and compliance teams the necessary redundancy and visibility to successfully operate the solution. This blog will highlight some of the AWS CloudWatch features that can be enabled to provide the essential observability of the Chef infrastructure.

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How to Set Up Progress Chef Automate HA for Managed AWS Service

This blog is a practical guide to help you implement Progress Chef Automate HA for AWS Managed Services.

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Important: Security Update for Chef Customers

This blog post provides an overview of vulnerabilities discovered in Chef and Progress Chef’s approach and recommendation to fix them with links to technical documents.

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Best practices on Protecting Your Chef Profiles Through their Lifecycle: As Important as Ever

This blog provides awareness and guidance about the importance of SDLC/Chef coding best practices.

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How To Remediate Compliance Issues Faster With Chef InSpec Parallel?

This blog briefly explains how Chef InSpec Parallel helps in managing scale and auto- remediation of compliance issues.

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Chef Automate Now Supports Ingestion of Large Compliance Reports

Chef Automate supports ingestion and management of Compliance larger than 4MB size.

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How to Group nodes via “Projects” in Chef Automate

How to use Projects on Automate

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Release Announcement of Chef Automate High Availability

Automate HA is an out of the box, enterprise grade capability which not only supports managing compliance and security grade postures of large infrastructure but also provides flexibility to do it in a cost friendly and optimized way.

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Chef Automate