
Chef Infra Client

Come Join Our Community-led Cookstyle Hack Fest!

Join us on Tuesday, July 30 at any time between 9:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. (PST) for all things Cookstyle!

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How to Set Up Network Devices with Progress Chef Agentless

Chef Agentless provides an intuitive approach to managing the desired configuration of various systems, including remote endpoints, edge devices and cloud-based resources.

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Chef Infra Client 18 Generally Available

A new version of Chef Infra Client is now generally available for adoption

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Announcement Chef Client 16 EOL Date Change

Chef Infra Client 16 was set to reach End of Life on April 30, 2022. Chef Infra Client 16 will now continue to receive support, security vulnerability patches, and fixes for critical bugs until November 30, 2022.

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Chef Infra Best Practices: #7 Chef Workstation: One Click a Way from Everything

Chef Workstation helps automate infrastructure configuration and security policies by allowing you to: - Improve the quality of code - Reduce time spent on writing and performing tests - Reduce deployment windows by quickly delivering on-demand DevTest environments If you are still on ChefDK, move to Workstation now!

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The Secret Is Out: Chef & Akeyless Join Forces To Accelerate DevSecOps

Chef recently joined industry-leading speakers from Progress Software and Akeyless at ChefConf '21. They discussed the importance and complexities of Secrets Management and Zero Trust access in large enterprise environments. The session "Secrets Management in Complex Environments at Scale" is now available on-demand.

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Chef Infra Best Practices: #6 Automated Cookbook Testing with GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions offer certain important benefits and when used alongside Chef can yield some amazing outcomes. Let’s discuss some of the most important ones in this blog. -Linting -Unit Testing -Integration Testing -Issue Management

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Chef Infra Client