


Chef’s Product team is pleased to announce the launch of, our new site for collecting and responding to product feedback.  The site hosts three feedback forums, one each for Chef, Analytics and Delivery.  The Delivery forum is currently invite-only for participants in the early access program, but will be made public in the future.

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oc-id on Chef Server: An Introduction

Ever used oc-id with Chef Analytics or Chef Supermarket? Read on for information on how it works! What is oc-id? oc-id is a Chef authentication/authorization service. It allows you to use your Chef Server account credentials to access other applications.

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Chef brings DevOps to Cisco Live

This week the Chef team is at Cisco’s biggest customer event of the year, Cisco Live in San Diego! We’ve joined 20,000+ attendees to learn more about Cisco’s products and roadmap and to meet with users, operators and developers who are interested in how Chef and Cisco are working together.

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Chef Server 12.1.0-rc.1 Now Available

Ohai Chefs! I’m pleased to announce that Chef Server 12.1.0-rc.1 is now available for download. Here are some of this release’s highlights: * Significant performance improvements. * Policyfiles and cookbook artifacts are complete and are enabled by default. * Server API Versioning: API `0` is now deprecated, and current API version level is `1`.

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Omnibus-ctl: What is it and what can it do for you?

Are you building software with Chef Omnibus? Do your packages need to run multiple runit services? Then Omnibus-ctl may be for you! Omnibus-ctl is a massively useful tool you can use to run common commands in Chef Omnibus packages. What is Chef Omnibus?

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Chef Community Summit – Register Now

We will be hosting the Chef Community Summit on October 14 and 15 in Seattle, Washington and hope to see you there. This marks the fifth year for the Chef Community Summit and it has proven to be one of the most engaging events of the year for the Chef Community.

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#cheffriends at Velocity Santa Clara 2015

The Velocity Conference holds a special place in the hearts of Awesome Chefs everywhere. For many of us, DevOps was born with John Allspaw and Paul Hammond’s 10+ Deploys Per Day at Velocity 2009.

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Awesome Community Chef – Kavita Sachdeva

ChefConf 2015 was awesome for so many reasons, including our first ever Diversity Scholarship program, designed to give those underrepresented in the Chef Community an opportunity to take part in the conference with free passes.

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ChefDK 0.6.0 Released!

Hi Chefs, We've released ChefDK 0.6.0, which you can find on our downloads page. This release has three changes from ChefDK 0.5.1: New chef provision command. Berkshelf is upgraded to 3.2.4 Kitchen Vagrant is upgraded to 0.18.

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Chef Management Console 1.13.0 Release

Manage 1.13.0 is now available from the Chef downloads site. This release adds a `session_timeout` setting that lets you force users’ sessions to end after a specified number of minutes. See the manage.rb documentation for all available settings. As always you can see the public changelog on hosted Chef at

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