Creating a Docker container Host on Windows Nano Server with Chef

By Matt Wrock
This post was originally published by Matt Wrock on his blog, “Hurry Up and Wait: Tales from an automation engineer.” This week Microsoft launched the release of Windows Server 2016 along with its ultra light headless deployment option – Nano Server.
Read moreIntroducing Developer Certificate of Origin
Hello Chefs! Currently, Chef asks each contributor to a Chef-managed open source project to sign a contributor license agreement (“CLA”) or to be part of a corporate contributor license agreement (“CCLA”) signed by their employer.
Read moreCask Data and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’d like to announce that Cask Data is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. They have certified the Cask Data Application Platform Cookbook. Cask Data is a startup in Palo Alto, California focused on enabling developers access to the powerful technology of big data without the steep learning curve.
Read moreHewlett Packard Enterprise and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’d like to announce that Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. They have certified the OneView and the iLO cookbooks which provide interfaces via Chef to two flagship HPE products. The OneView cookbook allows users to configure and manage HPE hardware using OneView’s unified API.
Read moreDatadog and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’m delighted to announce that Datadog is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. Datadog is a monitoring and analytics platform for cloud-scale infrastructure. Combining metrics and events from servers, databases, applications, configuration management tools, and more, Datadog provides a unified view of system health and performance.
Read moreDNSimple and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’d like to announce that DNSimple is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. DNSimple provides the tools you need to manage your domains.
Read moreSensu and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
We’re happy to announce that Sensu is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. Sensu is an open-source, cloud-aware, monitoring framework that allows organizations to compose comprehensive monitoring & telemetry solutions that meet their unique business requirements. Known as a monitoring router, you can create dynamic scalable alerts and views into your systems.
Read moreRackspace and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’d like to announce that Rackspace is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. Their first cookbook is rackspace_monitoring which provides some Custom Resources to help administer Cloud Monitoring for resources in the Rackspace cloud.
Read moreThreat Stack and the Chef Partner Cookbook Program

By JJ Asghar
I’d like to announce that Threat Stack is now part of the Chef Partner Cookbook Program. Threat Stack is a cloud-native security monitoring service that enables growth-driven companies to scale with confidence by identifying and verifying insider threats, external attacks, and data loss in real-time.
Read moreSupermarket Berkshelf Incident Post Mortem
We at Chef believe it is important to conduct public post mortems whenever possible. We recently conducted one around a Supermarket/Berkshelf incident that occurred on May 16, 2016. I was the incident commander for this incident and would like to share both the video and write up.
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