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Collaboration is the latest enterprise buzzword. Collaboration applications like Slack, Atlassian HipChat, Microsoft Teams and Facebook Workplace didn’t even exist 10 years ago. Now it seems there are more collaboration tools than we know what to do with.

Lucas Welch

The beginning of February kicked off the first leg of our Hands-on With Habitat World Tour and I must say, what an experience it was. A handful of Chef’s spent time visiting FOSDEM, speaking at CfgMgmtCamp, and teaching people how to get started with Habitat at workshops in Gent, Berlin, and Amsterdam!

Ian Henry

Sure, it’s a little late for a retrospective on 2016 but, as they say, better late than never! Here’s a look back at some of the amazing things the Chef Community Engineering team helped deliver in 2016.

Nathen Harvey

In partnership with JFrog, we are delighted to announce that Artifactory now supports Chef cookbooks as an artifact format. This functionality is available in Artifactory starting with version 5.1. Chef cookbook support inside Artifactory is significant for a number of reasons. Many of our customers say that they already have an artifact store with Artifactory.

Julian Dunn

ChefConf is part of a movement. A movement driven by the community — to build systems, products, businesses, organizations, heck, even a world — that are more humane, more empathetic, and better than what came before. This is why ChefConf is special.

Nathen Harvey

As containers continue to take over modern application architectures, it’s hard to cut through the noise and figure out what are the emerging best practices. That’s why Chef is excited to be participating in Container World 2017 at the Santa Clara Convention Center, February 21-23.

Michael Ducy

On February 1st, I presented a live webinar titled “Build a Custom Ohai Plugin”. Watch the recording below to hear me explain the purpose of Ohai, the structure and language of its plugins, and how you can write a unit test and integration test for your plugin.

Franklin Webber

This post first appeared on The Wandering IT Consultant blog. What is a Wrapper Cookbook? Simply put, a wrapper cookbook is just a regular cookbook that includes recipes from other cookbooks.

Jerry Aldrich

The Chef Certification program currently has three badges available for achieving the Certified Chef Developer level of certification. To reach this level of cert, you must pass the Basic Chef Fluency, Local Cookbook Development, and Extending Chef exams. In early March, we will introduce the Deploying Cookbooks badge.

Brian Turner