
Sonia Arora

Sonia is a Senior Product Manager at Progress and is responsible for Chef Licensing, Download, Telemetry, and Workstation. She has worked in telecom billing systems and CRM and led core product development, proving herself a self-driven Technical leader.

Long-Term Support (LTS) for Progress Chef: Providing Stability for the Long Haul

Bridging the silos of development, testing and security in a DevOps environment is crucial for achieving tighter cross-team collaboration, faster delivery and higher-quality software. By promoting shared goals, implementing DevSecOps practices, enhancing communication and adopting a shift-left approach, organizations can break down traditional barriers and foster a culture of continuous improvement. In doing so, they not only enhance their DevOps practices but also build a more resilient and secure software development lifecycle. Successful organizations harness Progress Chef to better deploy, configure and manage their entire application infrastructure in a secure and compliant manner.

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